


News: Lions Club Building to Become City Community Center
August 17th, 2006

News: Technician/Code Enforcement Officer Begins Duties
August 10th, 2006

News: S.H.I.N.E. Offering Extra Help
August 6th, 2006

News: Student Authors Visit Commission Meeting
August 2nd, 2006

News: Commission Denys Bulkhead and Splits on Ordianace 405
August 2nd, 2006

News: Postmaster at Cedar Key
July 25th, 2006

News: Building Department Fees Approved
July 19th, 2006

News: Paving Project Completed
July 12th, 2006

News: Clamerica is Big Success
July 11th, 2006

News: Clamerica `06 Clicks
July 4th, 2006

News: Bachelor Auction Nets Rewards for Local Youth
July 3rd, 2006

News: Muir Inspired Hikers
June 25th, 2006

News: Bachelor Auction Benefits School and Library
June 23rd, 2006

News: Bulkhead Requests 1-1-1
June 21st, 2006

News: CK Commission Retreat June 15
June 19th, 2006


Police Beat: June 26 throught July 6

Police Beat: June 26 throught July 6

Police Chief Bubba Castell

Your Police Department wants to thank everyone for having a safe "Fourth of
July," as we had very limited activity throughout the entire weekend. Our firemen had an "explosive" night on the 4th, while providing our fireworks; which could have resulted in extreme injury, or even death. Thanks to their extensive training, their protective gear and the good Lord providing for their safety, no one was injured. One of the tubes used in the ignition of the fireworks exploded on the ground causing a lot of concern, as well as an unanticipated delay in the continuing display of the fireworks celebration. Again, when you see our firemen give them a "big high five;" thank them for a job well done, and above all: keep them in your prayers at all times.

June 26, 2007, approximately 7:53PM, Officer Mike Cosseboom, responded to a complaint from the area of Dock Street concerning an individual causing a verbal disturbance. Upon Officer Mike`s arrival he made contact with Mr. Tracey Stevens, Cedar Key, who was still causing a disturbance. Office Mike detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from Mr. Stevens`s presence and his speech was slurred. Officer Mike advised Mr. Stevens to leave the area and go home, to which Mr. Stevens replied: "you can`t make me go anywhere." At this point Mr. Stevens was placed under arrest for "disorderly intoxication," but refused to let Officer Mike handcuff him. This led to an additional charge..of "resisting without violence." Mr. Stevens was then transported to the Levy County Jail and booked in the aforementioned charges. He was later released on bond.

July 1, 2007, approximately 1:28AM, Officer Mike Cosseboom, while observing traffic on SR24, observed a white, two door vehicle, traveling at a speed, which appeared to be in excess of the posted speed limit of 30MPH. His radar unit, once engaged, indicated the vehicle`s target speed to be 38MPH. Office Mike began to follow the vehicle, which turned left on to 2nd Street and at that time he initiated a traffic stop of the vehicle. Office Mike observed the driver, Mr. Tommy E. Jaracz, Spring Hill, FL, climbing from the driver`s seat into the back seat of the vehicle. Officer Mike asked Mr. Jaracz why he was getting into the back seat of the vehicle and he fldvised his driver`s license were suspended. Levy County Communications Center confirmed that Mr. Jaracz`s license was suspended and Officer Mike arrested Mr. Jaracz, charging him with driving while license are suspended, knowingly. Also, in the vehicle was a 16 year old female passenger from Naples,FL, who apparently was there of her own choosing.

Sgt. John McMullen arrived at this time with his K-9, Tess, and conducted a "sweep of the driver`s vehicle. Tess indicated a "positive alert" on both the driver`s door and the passenger door. Tess was deployed into the vehicle and she indicated a positive alert on the driver`s seat; the passenger`s seat; center console and behind the driver`s seat. Sgt. John conducted a search of the vehicle at this time and located a pill bottle with the juvenile passenger`s name on the outside of the bottle. There were 14 different types of pills inside the bottle and the juvenile admitted ownership

of the bottle and pills. Also, a green leafy material was located in the center console, which field tested positive for marijuana. A "drug pipe" was found outside the passenger window with residue which also field tested positive for marijuana. The female juvenile also stated the marijuana and paraphernalia were hers. The two were arrested and transported to the Levy County Jail where Mr. Jaracz was charged with: (1) Knowingly driving while license were suspended; (2) Resisting arrest without violence; (3)Possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and (4) Possession of medication not prescribed. The female juvenile was charged with: (1) Resisting arrest without violence; (2) Possession of drug paraphernalia; (3) Possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and Possession of medication not prescribed. Mr. Jaracz was booked into the jail on the aforementioned charges and the female juvenile was also charged with the same charges, but was awaiting the decision of State Juvenile Authorities as to what her disposition might be.

Officer Mike and Sgt. John reviewed the AudioNideo tape in Officer Mike`s vehicle and it revealed Mr. Jaracz asking the female juvenile to take the blame for the marijuana as she would get off easier than he would, as he could get three (3) years in prison, if convicted. Also, all the pills were appropriately packaged, sealed and sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Lab in Jacksonville, FL for testing to determine what they may contain.

July 3, 2007, approximately 3:40AM, Officer David Perry responded to a physical disturbance at B & E Seafood, Cedar Key, off SR24. Upon Officer Perry`s arrival he observed a female being restrained by a male at the top of the stairwell of an upstairs apartment, where the incident apparently occurred. The female was identified as Ms. Tiffany S. Conelly of West Palm Beach, FL and the victim was Mr. Mike J. Harvey of Cedar Key, FL. Mr. Harvey stated that Ms. Conelly had broken a window at his apartment after becoming upset about her boyfriend leaving her. Mr. Harvey confronted Ms. ConeHy about the broken window and she, in turn, punched him in his neck and face. Mr. Harvey then restrained Ms. Conelly so she could not inflect further injury to him. The victim had a cut above his left eye, broken blood vessels in his left eye and a bloody lip. Ms. Conelly refused to answer any questions that Officer Perry asked her about the incident; stating only her name and date of birth. Ms. Conelly was arrested; transported to the Levy County Jail and booked in there on the charge of Simple Battery. Officer Perry stated it was very apparent that alcohol was a contributing factor in the melee. Also present was a female witness, Ms. Christina L. Harvey of Chiefland, FL, who witnessed the entire altercation.

July 4, 2007, approximately 1:31AM, Officer Mike Cosseboom, while observing traffic on 2nd Street, observed a green four door vehicle pass his location in a westerly direction, with the vehicle braking inconsistently. Officer Mike followed the vehicle as it traveled out of town, observing the vehicle driving upon the double yellow line on three different occasions. Officer Mike initiated a traffic stop of the vehicle on the east side of Number Two (Canal) Bridge; making contact with the driver, Mr. Johnnie Randall Granger, Crystal River, FL, asking for the normal,

driver`s license, registration and proof of insurance. Mr. Granger provided Officer Mike with the items, but Levy County S.O. Communications advised that Mr. Granger only had a valid Florida ID Card; not a driver`s license. Mr. Granger was asked to exit his vehicle by Officer Mike and he appeared to be unsteady on his feet, using his vehicle to steady himself. While speaking to Mr. Granger, Office Mike detected a strong odor of the impurities of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. Officer Mike asked Mr. Granger to submit to a battery of field sobriety tests, to which the driver stated: "Just arrest me." Officer Mike transported Mr. Granger to the Williston PD to provide Mr. Granger the opportunity to submit to an Intoxilizer Test to determine his blood alcohol content, as no operator was available at the jail. Once at the Williston PD, Mr. Granger refused to take the Intoxilizer Test. He was then transported to the Levy County Jail, booked into the jail on the charges of No Valid Driver`s License (Unlicensed), and Driving under the Influence of an Alcoholic Beverage and he awaited first appearance.

July 6, 2007, approximately 11:45PM, Officer David Perry and Officer Mike Cosseboom responded to a disturbance call at the Raw Bar on Dock Street. Upon their arrival at the scene, the suspect, Mr. Michael P. Hodge, Cedar Key, was very belligerent and uncooperative with the two officers. Officer Mike detained the suspect in the back of his cruiser while Officer Perry investigated the call. Mr. Brian Rix, Lake City, FL, was interviewed as a witness by Officer Perry, who stated the victim`s daughter, Ms. Jennifer Aleen Odmann, of €hattanooga, TN, was involved in a physical altercation with the suspect and while he was separating the two, the suspect was struck in the face by Ms. Jennifer Odmann. Another witness, Ms. Amanda Spivey, Warner Robins, GA, stated that Mr. Hodge had pushed the victim, Ms. Kathleen Odmann in the chest area, after sHe confronted him about his aggressive manner toward her sister, Ms. Jeanmarie Long. Ms. Long had left the area after she was confronted by Mr. Hodge, but later returned, stating Mr. Hodge had made threats toward her and her son, who was not present at this time. Mr. Hodge was arrested; transported to the Levy County Jail and charged with Simple Battery and Disorderly Intoxication. He awaited first appearance.

Guys and gals; if you cannot handle the alcohol you consume then you need to quit drinking; or do your drinking in the confines of your home, as the end results are not always beneficial to you. To drink is very costly, but to drink and drive, or drink and get into altercations, have proven to be very expensive for those participating in such activities. I do not apologize to you for your being arrested where alcohol is involved, nor do I have much empathy to you individually. I do feel sorry for your families, especially your children, as they are the innocent ones that carry the heaviest loads. Think of them before you over indulge in the consumption of alcohol, as they should be much more important to you than the "fun you think have in the bottles of beer or glasses of whiskey you continue to drink." REMEMBER! YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENT STILL HAS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR THE OVERCONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.

Your Police Chief had an exceptional weekend, as my only Granddaughter, Alysha Sakelson, was married to Mr. Tyler King at the home of Mr. Ted and Ms. Pam Alexander on Saturday, 07/07/07. She was a lovely bride and he was a handsome groom. I had forgotten how much time, energy and expenses are involved for such an event, but in the end it was well worth it all. I personally want to thank each and every individual who assisted in this special event and respectfully request all of your prayers for their future together, especially concerning their physical, financial and spiritual well being. I performed their ceremony, which proved to be very emotional for me, but I sincerely thank them for allowing me that opportunity, which I will forever cherish.

Thank all of you for reading the local newspapers as I enjoy the privilege of writing a few informative lines about the activities of your local police department every other week; keeping you abreast of what goes on in our little community. Please feel free to call us at anytime: 543-5180, and remember; If we are not in the office at the time of your call, please let it ring through to the Sheriffs Office Communications and they will, in turn, call us with your complaint or information. We continue to offer you 24 hour coverage 7 days each week in an effort to keep our community, and you our citizens, as safe as we possibly can.

Some of your neighbors may be gone for the summer so if you see any suspicious activity around, or in, their homes please call your police department immediately. I am sure they would be happy to do the same for you. Until next time, be observant of our children and elderly; maintain a happy face, always appreciating your family, friends and loved ones. Remember, prayer enhances ones soul.

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Cedar Key News