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Airport Committee Accepts FDOT Demands

Airport Committee Accepts FDOT Demands

Jim Hoy

Levy County Commissioner Lilly Rooks met September 5 with the Airport Advisory Committee in an attempt to meet the demands of Florida DOT regarding minimum improvement of the Cedar Key Airport. FDOT is requiring a commitment from Levy County, the airport owner, for relocation of County Road 470 which is too close to the landing strip. Furthermore, FDOT requires a fence that will limit direct access to the landing strip by pedestrians and vehicles.

The Advisory Committee is comprised of airport homeowners, pilots and Cedar Key business owners. The committee was asked to tell the Levy County Commission how to satisfy the FDOT demands, which if unmet would close the airport. The committee was provided with the Master Plan George T. Lewis (Cedar Key) Airport Update. That report contains certain factual error that may have undermined its usefulness. Nevertheless, after numerous and sometimes contentious meetings the advisory committee appears to have reached a consensus. Both road relocation and fence construction have been accepted.

The possibility of privatizing the airport was discussed briefly, but rejected, at least in part, because privatization would increase the cost of liability insurance.

The Master Plan Update indicates a cost of $440,000 to relocate County Road 470. However, the committee expressed the hope that that amount would be significantly less.

Commissioner Rooks told Cedar Key News at the end of the meeting that she was encouraged about keeping the airport open. She said, " This is the first time we've had agreement." County Coordinator Fred Moody, who also attended that meeting, seconded Rooks' expression of encouragement.

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