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Obama and McCain Win in Cedar Key

Obama and McCain Win in Cedar Key

Jim Hoy

Barack Obama and John McCain were winners in the Cedar Key Presidential Primary Election. Levy County Precinct 4 (Cedar Key) had a total of 479 votes cast in the Democrat and Republican primaries. About two thirds of Precinct 4 voters cast votes. Obama tallied 86 votes to John Edwards' 80 votes and Hillary Clinton's 79 votes in the Democrat primary. In the Republican primary, McCain led with 52 votes, with Mitt Romney trailing with 43 votes and Mike Huckabee third with 38 votes.

Levy County voters did not turn out as well as those in Cedar Key in terms of percentages, with only 41 percent voting. Of 5499 vote cast in the Democrat primary, Hillary Clinton led with 41 percent, John Edwards drew 30 percent and Barack Obama drew 22 percent. On the Republican side, John McCain led with 31 percent, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee followed with 26 percent each. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani came in fourth with 9 percent of the vote.

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