


City Documents: City Commission Agenda
September 1st, 2004

City Documents: Schedule of City Meetings
August 31st, 2004

City Documents: City Budget Meeting Workshop Minutes
August 30th, 2004

City Documents: Architectural/Historical Review Petition
August 27th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Meeting Notice
August 24th, 2004

City Documents: CRA Minutes from August 17, 2004
August 23rd, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Meeting Minutes of August 17, 2004
August 23rd, 2004

City Documents: Gulf Trail Meeting Notice
August 23rd, 2004

City Documents: Cemetery Point Meeting
August 23rd, 2004

City Documents: City of Cedar Key Scheduled Budget Meetings
August 20th, 2004

City Documents: Notice of Quasi-Judicial Hearing
August 20th, 2004

City Documents: Ordinance 376 Enactment
August 18th, 2004

City Documents: Ordinance 377 Enactment
August 18th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Minutes for August 10, 2004
August 14th, 2004

City Documents: Agenda City Commission Meeting August 17, 2004
August 13th, 2004


CRA Annual Report

CRA Annual Report

City Documents



The Cedar Key Redevelopment Agency (CKRA), in accordance with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has filed with the City Commission of the City of Cedar Key, other entities, a report of its activities for Fiscal Year 2006-07. The report includes an Agency financial statement resulting from an independent audit of Agency's Redevelopment Trust Fund as well as a comparison of the Agency's goals, objectives, and policies to annual program accomplishments.

This CRA report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 will be available for review by the general public during regular business hours in the office of the City Clerk, City of Cedar Key, 490 2nd Street, Cedar Key, Florida 32625, on March 31, 2008.

This 21st day of March 2008.


Jackie Gorman, CRA Director

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Cedar Key News