Cedar Key City Commissioners Dale Register, left, Sue Colson and Gene Hodges were sworn in June 7 to their new terms.
Cedar Key`s City Commission June 7 meeting began with the ceremonial swearing in of Commissioners Sue Colson, Gene Hodges and Dale Register. Colson is beginning her fourth term in Seat 5, Hodges begins his third term in Seat 1, and Register in Seat 3 after defeating Mayor Commissioner Pat O`Neal in a May 24 runoff election. Immediately after being sworn in, the Commission nominated candidates for Mayor. Commissioner Dennison, with a second from Commissioner Hodges nominated Commissioner Heath Davis. Commissioner Colson nominated Commissioner Register. Davis was elected Mayor. Nominations for Vice Mayor followed: Hodges and Register, with Hodges prevailing. The Commission then reappointed Virgil Sandlin as Police Chief, Francis Hodges as City Clerk, Josh Wilson as Public Works Director, and Robert Robinson as Fire Chief. The City Attorney position will be filled at a later time. Commissioner Register raised the question of personnel evaluation being routinely good, saying high evaluations do not leave room for improvement. Commissioner Colson suggested returning to the evaluation forms used when herself and Commissioner Davis when they were Mayor. Reappointment of the Form Based Code Committee charged with finding a new method of the building code decisions ran into resistance due to lack of activity for several months. Committee member Vanessa Edmunds explained that former City Attorney avid Coffey had been a driving force and key advisor to the group. The Commission gave the Committee 90 days to report need and/or action. The Historical Architectural Review Board and the Cemetery Committee were renewed pro foma. Renewal of the contract with Florida Municipal Services Inc. which provides building permit evaluation by Walter Brown met specific objections from Commissioner Colson. On request Colson cited Brown`s approval of a building permit that endangered FEMA flood insurance coverage for the whole community. She added that Mr. Brown had not been available on the schedule that had been agreed upon. Brown was given 90 to provide acceptable service. Commissioner Register recused himself feom participation, citing ongoing business with Mr. Brown`s office. A request from Waste-Pro for an increase in garbage collection rates was deferred to the July 7 meeting, as was appointment of an Emergency Management Director. The Emergency Management Director position had been occupied by former Mayor O`Neal. Chiefs Sandlin and Robinson have primary responsibility of emergency activity, with the Director providing coordination with the Lev County Emergency Management agency. |