


Features: Varsity Girls Steal the Show
October 8th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
October 2nd, 2003

Features: Genealogy Society Photo Memory Project
September 30th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
September 25th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
September 19th, 2003

Features: Historic Account of Evinston to be Presented at Quilt Museum
September 15th, 2003

Features: Walking with God - "Do I Walk ALone?"
September 12th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
September 11th, 2003

Features: Looking for Old Photographs
September 9th, 2003

Features: Argenziano Interview - Part Two
September 8th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
September 4th, 2003

Features: Early History of Levy County Masonic Lodges Available
September 1st, 2003

Features: Photos and History of Levy County Churches Needed for Book
September 1st, 2003

Features: Walking with God - "Wow That`s Heavy!"
August 28th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
August 28th, 2003


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

143 years ago

23 July 1859 - Robert Waterston made application to establish a U.S. Post Office at Rocky Hammock. The application was approved and the post office continued
in operation until 30 January 1860 when it closed.

118 years ago

02 November 1885 - Louis F. Roux, Alachua County Jailer sent a bill to the Levy County Board of County Commissioners for $12.40. The charge was to cover the cost of providing blankets to the Levy County prisoners housed in the Alachua
County jail. At the same meeting where the Board approved paying the bill for blankets the Board open the proposals for iron work on the jail and cells. The contract was awarded to the Pauly Jail Building and Manufacturing Company for the sum of $3,095.

40 years ago

21 May 1963 - The State Road Department of Florida constructed a five foot wide sidewalk on the North side of State Road 24 in Otter Creek beginning at the intersection of State Roads 24 and 55 (US 19) and running from this point in a southwesterly direction approximately 3/4 of a mile to a point in front of the Public Grammar School. A large majority of the students attending the Pubic Grammar School walk from their homes in Otter Creek to the school adequate
sidewalks are necessary for safety.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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