


Features: Levy County History
August 21st, 2003

Features: A Celebration of Life
August 21st, 2003

Features: Colonel Maurice "Buzz" Healy Retires from Cedar Key School
August 19th, 2003

Features: Local Society to Compile Pictorial History of Levy County and it`s People
August 19th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
August 14th, 2003

Features: The Symbiotic Relationship of Art and Artist - Kevin Hipe
August 13th, 2003

Features: World Wide Genealogy Resources Will Be Presented at the Levy County Quilt Musuem
August 12th, 2003

Features: Railroad Exhibit Opens at Museum
August 10th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
August 7th, 2003

Features: The Symbiotic Relationship of Art and Artist - Kevin Hipe
August 6th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
August 1st, 2003

Features: Trains and Seminole Indians Presentation at the C.K. Historical Society Museum
July 29th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
July 24th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
July 17th, 2003

Features: Living History Will Be Presented at Levy County Quilt Musuem
July 14th, 2003


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

147 years ago

09 March 1855 - Robert Y.H. Thomas, M.D. received his medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Upon examination, the Florida Board of Medical Examiners issued a license to Thomas to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Florida and he set up an office in Cedar Key.

110 years ago

26 June 1891 - A rail line called The Ambler Railroad is being laid from Archer south across Levy County some sixteen miles into the western boarders of Marion County and will open up on its way the Standard Phosphate mines, including the Eagle, Early Bird and New York mines. Three hundred and fifty men are at work grading the line, and it will be ready to transmit rock by August 15th. Representatives of the Standard Company are said to have ten thousand tons of rock ready for shipment, while as much is waiting on the dumps of other mines along the line.

78 years ago

11 October 1923 - From the Levy County News, Volume 1, No. 11. "While little is heard from the south end of Levy County, [that] does not imply that it is not progressing. In fact, it is just the reverse. Inglis and that section is growing fast, and building with great expectations of permanent and substantial progress. A small token of which is just made public is the construction near there of a 50 room hotel which is rapidly nearing completion and which is being constructed for Mr. A.F. Knotts, a most progressive and wide-awake citizen, a former resident of Gary, Indiana, but whose tastes and inclinations have been better satisfied with Levy county soil and the beautiful location on the Withlacootchie, Suwannee and Gulf section. The only and permanent need of that section and one, which will prove, of untold value to Bronson and all of Levy County is the construction of good roads to that beautiful section, which is sadly lacking."

From the public records of Levy County,
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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