


News: Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights
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News: Proposal to Buy Docks
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Proposal to Buy Docks

Proposal to Buy Docks

Jim Hoy

Perhaps the most unusual item on the February fifteenth City Commission meeting agenda was Joseph Hatin`s offer to buy three docks. His proposed that he would buy the "Big Dock", the Third Street Dock and the Fishing Pier from Levy County. The intent of the purchase is to preserve public use of the docks, in contrast to purchase by private developers who might restrict use of the docks.

In a recent interview with Cedar Key News, Hatin said that he foresees repair of both the Big Dock and the Fishing Pier with transferable grants that are in process. He wants to add a fish house on the repaired Big Dock and run electricity and water lines to the Third Street Dock. He said that there are fourteen commercial watermen using the Third Street Dock that would pay the City for its use.

Hatin explained the financing proposal at the Commission meeting, saying that he would sign a long-term lease of the docks to the City at prime interest rate with an option to buy. Hatin would advance the funds necessary for acquisition of the properties. He added that Mayor Paul Oliver expects to have discussion of the proposal on the agenda of the March 1 Commission meeting.

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