


News: Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights
April 7th, 2005

News: Concensus Report from the 2004 Charrette
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News: Fire Protection Discussed
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News: City Tranfers Dock Leases
March 17th, 2005

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March 6th, 2005

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News: Health Needs Survey Reported
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News: Purchase of the Big Dock?
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City Tranfers Dock Leases

City Tranfers Dock Leases

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Commission approved transfer of two small dock leases after a long discussion at its March 15 meeting. It also heard a report of a recent health needs survey, and a preliminary proposal for a community health clinic. Other business included extension of WastePro`s contract for garbage collection, location of a book storage shed and sale of stock donated to the library. Final action was taken denying a minor replat and approving construction of a clam raceway.

Brian Mattice and Connor Ryan requested transfer of two City dock leases of tour boat facilities currently held by Lady Pirates and Island Hopper. The long discussion was confounded by independent parties selling two businesses to two other parties, one of whom is an airboat and kayak business venture. A further complication was that three people on a waiting list for dock rental asked for consideration. A proposal by Tom Leibert to put leases up for bids was set aside based on the terms of existing lease terms. Transfer of the leases was approve by a vote of three to one. (Mayor Paul Oliver was absent.)

Jeff Feller, who administered a survey of local health care needs, presented results of 269 responses to a mail survey done last month by the WellFlorida Council. Fuller said that fifty-nine percent of the respondents have private health insurance, twenty five percent have public health insurance and fifteen percent are uninsured. The respondents ranked health care as the second most important factor, just below safe neighborhoods, in having a healthy community. The three most important health problems were aging problems, alcohol/drug abuse and heart disease and stroke.

Following the survey results Feller outlined a potential plan for design and staffing of a community health clinic. Barbara Locke, Levy County Health Director, spoke in response to Feller`s presentation, saying that a nurse could be sent to Cedar Key twice a month if a facility is available. Vice Mayor Health Davis, presiding in Mayor Oliver`s absence, offered a room in City Hall and the installation of a sink.

The Commission voted to extend the WastePro contract for garbage collection with the only change being a five percent increase in charges for commercial collections. Residential collection will be twice each week. Commissioner Sue Colson requested a mail survey to determine support for curbside pickup of recyclable trash. The request was approved.

A stock certificate currently worth over eighteen thousand dollars donated to the Cedar Key Library will be sold with the Commission`s approval. Molly Jubitz, our Librarian, express great pleasure when she heard the news.

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