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Trojan Horse Visits Cedar Key

Trojan Horse Visits Cedar Key

Jim Hoy

A symbolic giant wooden horse visited Cedar Key March 5 as part of a campaign to defend limitation of politicians to eight years in office. The twelve foot high horse draws a crowd, which is then told that the leaders of the Florida Senate and House, Sen. Tome Lee and Rep. Allen Bense, are planning an assault on the voter mandated eight year limit passed by voters in 1992.

Florida legislators are limited to eight years in office by an initiative passed by seventy-eight percent of the voters thirteen years ago. Term limits are unwanted by incumbent politicians who wish to remain in Tallahassee. Scott Tilman, speaking for "Don`t Touch Term Limits" said that twenty-one states had passed term limit laws, but that legislators have tampered with initiative measures passed by the voters in seven states. Florida legislators are hoping to override the 1992 initiative. Tilman, a resident of Michigan, became interested in defense of term limits when Michigan legislators attacked established limits. For more information visit

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