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Concensus Report from the 2004 Charrette

Concensus Report from the 2004 Charrette

Staff Writer

In response to readers` questions concerning the 2004 Charrette, and the correct presentation of the summarized results from the two day workshop, here is that report.

III. Public Planning Process

Consensus from the Charrette

On Saturday, April 24, 2004, after the team presentations, the consultants summarized the results of each team`s suggestions. There was broad agreement of three general themes underlying the vision for Cedar Key. These central themes are:

1. Maintain the "working/fishing village" character of Cedar Key;
2. Preserve Cedar Key`s historic resources; and
3. Protect Cedar Key`s natural environment.

In addition to these three main themes, there was a sizeable consensus of issues mentioned by many of the twelve teams. The following list describes the issues, preceded by the number of teams that mentioned each item. This format helps to illustrate the consensus of opinion among the community.

Mentioned by 9 teams out of 12

1. Preserve the "fishing village" character of Cedar Key;
2. Expand the Historic District;
3. Protect the clamming fishing interests;
4. Consider restrictions on boat trailer parking.

Mentioned by 6 teams out of 12:

1. Environment/Water Quality/Conservation Areas/Visual and Physical Water Access;
2. Enforce existing regulations;
3. Land annexation;
4. Rental restrictions in residential areas.

Mentioned by 5 teams out of 12:

1. Limit density;
2. Need more trees.

Mentioned by 4 teams out of 12:

1. No more condominium development;
2. Reduce light pollution;
3. Dock Street improvements;
4. Provide affordable housing;
5. Recreational amenities: pool, community center, pocket parks.

Mentioned by 3 teams out of 12:

1. Limit airboat noise;
2. City land acquisition;
3. City acquisition of HUD housing;
4. Construction and improvement of sidewalks.

Other concerns mentioned include:

1. Small business development downtown;
2. City Manager;
3. Regulation of golf carts;
4. Animal control;
5. Police on foot or bicycle patrol.

Cedar Key Community Redevelopment Area Plan
Cedar Key, Florida
III - 14

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