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Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights

Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights

Staff Writer

April 5, 2005

Highlights of the meeting included a presentation regarding Community Development Block Grants, discussion of the purchase of fire fighting equipment, various development plans and projects, administrative issues, and five Quasi-Judicial Hearings. Presentation of the final draft version of the Community Redevelopment Agency Plan was delayed until the April 19th City Commission Meeting.

Consultant Fred Fox led off the meeting with a discussion of Community Development Block Grants. A critical qualifying hurdle is establishing the community's income profile. This has not been done by census, so citizens are being canvassed by telephone. The results of this survey are not yet complete. The basic premise is that 51 percent of the citizens be "low to moderate income" in order to submit a qualifying application. The four categories of assistance available are: 1.) revitalization of owner-occupied dwellings, 2.) neighborhood revitalization, 3.) "streetscaping" of commercial district, 4.) assistance to businesses in commercial district. Application for any such grants must be submitted by May 19, '05. Mr. Fox said he needed a go, or no-go decision on application for the grants from the City at this time. The Commission voted unanimously to proceed with the application process.

Appointment of a Citizen Advisory Task Force to deal with the CDBG's was accomplished by designating the Dock Street/Parking Committee to fill that role. Citizens wishing to join in were urged to contact Commissioner Colson.
Capt. Doug Maple requested and received unanimous permission from the City to build, and then lease back from the City, a dock to be used for his nature and birding tour boat trips. The dock would be located on the seawall adjacent to the Island Hopper and Lady Pirate ventures.

A resolution endorsing increased regulation of golf cart operators was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Colson reported that the parking, landscaping, sidewalk, and boat parking restriping is about to move into its final phase. $145 thousand was budgeted for this work, but due to some site erosion problems, and the added preference to bury lighting wiring, completion of the job would now require $155 thousand. A contractor had agreed to complete the specified work at this price, with a performance penalty should the work not be completed on time. Permission to proceed with this contract was approved.
Discussion of the acquisition of new fire fighting equipment was presented by Mr. James. The discussion centered around the difficulty of shopping for such equipment. Lead times for delivery of equipment can vary widely. Some equipment may be available within a little as 90 days, but it will already be in the manufacturing process, and its configuration may be predetermined. Custom ordering equipment might get you exactly what you want, but the required lead time may be six months, or even much more. The need for the truck relates to insurance ratings. We need to show a capacity to deliver a significant volume of water, on site, quickly. A motion to authorize the Fire Chief to use appropriate discretion in the selection of a new fire truck was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Davis presented a display of renderings of proposed park pavilions. It was suggested that the work could be begun with existing grant funds, and continued as additional funds become available. Existing cabbage palms would be used for landscaping, and more added as work proceeds. The open area in the middle of the pavilions would be sodded with bahia grass. Discussion ensued concerning the erection of some kind of barrier between play areas and Second Street to prevent children from having to run out onto the street to chase balls, Frisbees, etc. The commission voted approval of the park plan.

Administrative issues included a report by Commissioner Daniels that four fire hydrants should be ordered for the Hodgson hill and Jernigan areas. The cost would be $3000 each, and this money could be included in the CRA budget.
Commissioner Colson said that the Florida DEP had awarded restorative beach sand which could be used at the City Park, and at the Sandspit area. This item could be addressed at the next City Commission meeting.

Mr. Mickey made a request to apply landscaping fill to cope with rainfall-induced flooding which is now a problem in his yard. Mayor Oliver wanted to table the issue, and look at the overall problem, because of the potential affect on entire neighborhood of recent changes in the shoreline.

Mr. Mickey also raised the issue of pending requests for "change of use." Florida Law, and the Laws of Cedar Key require that many closely prescribed factors be considered, and that detailed conditions be complied with when a change of use is granted. Several citizens protested that these conditions are onerous, and that the laws were too restrictive. The Fee in Lieu of Parking had become, according to those seeking relief, burdensome, as per square foot land prices had ballooned recently.
Mayor Oliver suggested that the problem be sent to the LPA for consideration.

Several of those complaining held forth that this action would take too long, and represent an undue burden upon those needing approval for change of use.

Attorney Coffee tried to shed some clarity on the issue. He made several points:

1.) All communities have laws like this. Adequate parking is a basic necessity.
2.) The question is, will the change of use cause parking spill over? Such spill over can have negative impact on adjacent property owners.
3.) By state law, the Mayor was right in his recommendation.

Commissioner Davis suggested that Attorney Coffee meet with Mr. Mickey to try to find an administrative resolution to the issue.

Attorney Coffee replied that administrative resolution may, or may not, be possible, and that if it can be done, it will be so reported.

Five Quasi Judicial Hearings were heard after the Commission meeting was closed. Petition 2004-11, requesting the demolition of the "Crevasse House" at G Street and Seventh Street, was added to the agenda at the last minute, and was approved. The request had changed to a request to move the house rather than demolish it. The house is supposed to be moved to a lot on Paroda, and elevated ten feet to comply with FEMA regulations.

All other Quasi Judicial Hearings as listed on the Agenda were unanimously approved.

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