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Commission Rejects Three Changes in Zoning

Commission Rejects Three Changes in Zoning

Jim Hoy

Five city ordinances passed, each unanimously, in at first seventeen minutes of the August 16 City Commission meeting. Then three ordinances designed to change Conservation Zone land to Low Density Residential ran aground. The discussion of those three ordinances revolved around interpretation of zoning maps drawn in 1991. Other business of the Commission included approval of a request to film a movie and discussion of development of a park at Cemetery Point.

Three property owners whose lots face the marshland west of Anna and Sandra Streets had requested a change in zoning that would allow houses in what has possibly erroneously designated as a Conservation Zone. The map showing the Conservation Zone was drawn in 1991, but only recently challenged. At an earlier Commission meeting when two Commissioners were absent, on a two to one vote the City Attorney was directed to draw up ordinances to change the zoning. However, when the full Commission voted on the ordinances they were rejected.

The ordinance regarding the property at the end of Anna Street died for lack of a second. Discussion of the absence of a second hinged on the earlier absence of two Commissioners and whether they were adequately informed. Both Commissioners replied that they were quite familiar with the lengthy records of the zoning debate. The ordinances regarding the two properties at the end of Sandra Street were argued for by a Gainesville attorney. (These ordinances were seconded by Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver.) Again, the validity of the zoning map was discussed. Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds pointed out that the map took precedence over text in the Comprehensive Plan that defines conservation land. John Fradella, a member of the audience, said that a buyer of property should rely on a title company for advice on status of land rather than the opinion of a building official or others. Doris Hellermann pointed out as evidence of the residential nature of the one property that Levy County had permitted a septic tank on the property. Commissioner Heath Davis chided the attorney for the property owners for skimming over the report of gopher tortoises having lived on the property.

The Commission voted to reject the Sandra Street ordinances three to two, with Commissioners Davis, Sue Colson and Edmunds voting to reject and Commissioners Pat O'Neal and Paul Oliver voting against.

The Commission approved filming of a movie in Cedar Key. An independent movie company submitted a script for review by Commissioner O'Neal. He said that the movie would be rated G or PG and recommended approval of the project. The City Library will be the main filming location, with approval pending by library officials.

Another land use issue, the development of a park on Cemetery Point, was discussed by the Commission following a report by Dr. John Andrews who chairs the Cemetery Point Park Advisory Committee. There is an ongoing effort to meet with Florida Community Trust officials to find a way to have access to the park while protecting the sanctity of the cemetery. The crucial issues are vehicular access to the park and fencing or screening the park-cemetery boundary.

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