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Christmas Bird Count 2005

Christmas Bird Count 2005

Alachua Audubon Society

Cedar Key Christmas Bird Count – Thursday, December 29, 2005

Except for a biting west wind, which rippled the water, obscured the ducks, and chilled the counters, it was a flawless, sunny day. Seventeen participants noted 138 species within the count circle, extending from the southern
reaches of the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge through the Cedar Key Scrub to the islands of the Cedar
Keys. Only two highs were recorded, Western Sandpiper 3576 (old record 2439, 1999), and Blueheaded Vireo, 14
(previous, 13, 2002).Long-billed Curlews (2) were in their usual wintering ground at Shell Mound and the Airboat
group also found a Piping Plover (on the count for the third time in the last four years.) Sixty Redheads were in the
vicinity of Seahorse Key, and the only Prairie warbler was spotted at the Cedar Key airstrip. American Bittern and
Baltimore Oriole were uncommon listees, and two Archilochus hummingbirds were spotted enjoying early winter
flowers. Thanks to all the participants, especially Mike Legare of Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge, who
so ably piloted the refuge airboat along the shallow northwest shore.

The 2006 count is again scheduled for a Thursday, December 28th.

The full bird count may be seen in the Cedar Key News print edition dated January 26, 2006.

Number of Species 138
Number of Individuals 17820

Compilers: Ron Christen and Dale Henderson. Other observers: Howard Adams, Nathan Folland, John Hintermeister,
Bob Holt, Maralee Joos, Adam Kent, Angel Kwolek-Folland, Mary Landsman, Mike Legare, Brian McNab, Roan
McNab, Barbara Mollison, Don Morrow, Barbara Muschlitz, Dotty Robbins and Nancy Taylor.


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