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Cedar Key Students Now Have Art

Cedar Key Students Now Have Art

Jim Hoy

The children of Cedar Key School, from the first grade through High School, now have classes in art. The classes are paid for with Community Redevelopment Agency funds and taught by Ms. Deborah Manansala. Ms. Manansala comes to us after teaching art at the Bronson Elementary School for the past twelve years. She also taught the children's summer art classes at the Cedar Key Arts Center for the past three summers.

Ms. Manansala proudly displays work of her students that was inspired by ancient cave art.

Ten High School students are enrolled in art class as well as ten Middle School students for a nine week intensive arts program. Children in the lower grades receive an hour of art each week.

Ms Manansala gives instruction in the use of tempera, acrylic paint and ceramics, according to the age group capabilities. Although she was originally trained in graphics design, she has a special affinity for the nineteenth century artist. Her favorite artist is Vincent van Gogh. She has an impressive collection of reference books and art prints that she uses to illustrate the messages of artists.

Enthusiasim for art can be expressed visually as well as verbally.

Ms. Manansala hopes to have her students participate in some way in Cedar Key's April arts show. She feels it is important to have the community see the impact of Community Redevelopment Agency support for the students.

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