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Building Official Resigns

Building Official Resigns

Jim Hoy

At the June 21 Commission meeting Mayor Paul Oliver announced the resignation of Mickey Wieland, Cedar Key's Building Official. The announcement came in the middle of discussion following a presentation on Wieland's behalf by Nancy Taylor. Much of the rest of the business at the meeting was municipal housekeeping and reports on community redevelopment and related issues.

Ms. Taylor spoke to the Commission in defense of building officials in general and Mickey Wieland in particular. Citing Florida law and the Building Officials' Bill-of Rights, she said that various attacks on Mr. Wieland were intimidations and violations of the law. Furthermore, she asked why no formal action had been taken to investigate complaints against Wieland. To which Mayor Oliver announced the acceptance of Wieland's resignation which had been submitted four days earlier. The Mayor added that the complaints had been reviewed by himself and the City Attorney. A City Hall source told Cedar Key News that Former Building Official Bob Niffenegger is on retainer and would serve in Wieland's absence.

Regarding financial matters, of special interest to current City employees, the Christmas bonuses that were deferred last December will be paid in July, with full time employees receiving $500 and part time employees getting $250. The Levy County Drug Task Force will receive $6955, with the hope of sharing in confiscated drug money or drug dealer vehicles. Furthermore, Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds proposed adoption of clear spending policies. She recommended policies used by a small municipality in Kansas.

Greg Lang, Chair of the Local Planning Agency, reported on Community Redevelopment issues and recommendations of the LPA regarding parking for aquaculture businesses and establishing better communication between the Commission and the Water and Sewer Board. First he said that the search committee for a CRA Director had named three excellent candidates and an alternative. He also said that a legal review of the draft CRA plan should be conducted. Secondly Lang presented the LPA's recommendation that parking fees for aquaculture businesses should be reconsidered and that someone, possibly a Commission member should be designated to attend Water and Sewer Board meetings. He added that the capital improvement plan of the Water and Sewer District and the budget for the CRA are being developed and coordination of the two is important.

The Commission considered putting in a well for irrigation of City Hall's landscaping project. Two citizens have volunteered to sink the well. However, the possible need of a permit for the well was raised. City Attorney David Coffee advised that, "If a permit is required, a permit is required."

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