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Paving Issues Aired at Commission

Paving Issues Aired at Commission

Jim Hoy

Paving, current and future, was on the agenda at the July 5 Cedar Key Commission meeting. Concerns of pavement damage by the shoes of a horse pulling carriage loads of tourists, and the need for replacing pavement far beyond the horse's travels got brief but satisfactory discussion. In other matters, the final reading of a parking ordinance, an appointment to the Historic/Architecture Review Board, and Commissioners' reports rounded out the meeting.

Jeanne Morgan, who operates carriage tours through Cedar Key's historic district, assured the Commission that she had replaced studded shoes on Quick Goal her horse to avoid pavement damage. She added that she will investigate non-metalic shoes as an alternative to iron shoes.

Commissioner Heath Davis announced plans to seek bids to pave several street in southwest Cedar Key that are in great need of repair, much to the pleasure of many audience members. Heavy truck traffic associated with home construction has aggravated former pot holes that have grown to the status of traffic hazards. Reports of a golf cart falling into a sink hole appear to be erroneous.

George Sresovich was appointed to the Historical/Architecture Review Board by the Commission as a replacement for Bob Treat who resigned last month. Sresovich lives in the Historic District and is very active in the Historical Society.

Mayor Paul Oliver thanked the members of the Volunteer Fire Department for putting on the Fourth of July fireworks display, with special thanks to Ken Daniel and Jimmy Lawrence who solicited monetary contributions. Daniels asked for recognition of the donors that added to the City's purchase of the fireworks.

Commissioner Pat O'Neal raised the question of multiple boat launching by residents that hold a pass for a single boat. He pointed out that launch fees of thousands of dollars were lost because some individuals were violating the terms of their pass. The issue was not resolved.
Copyrighed, 2005, Cedar Key News, Inc.

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