


News: Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights
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News: Health Needs Survey Reported
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News: Proposal to Buy Docks
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News: Plane Crashes in Cedar Key Fog (updated photos)
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News: Accord Insurance Open for Business
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News: Purchase of the Big Dock?
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News: Cedar Key Commission Grapples with Fire Protection
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News: Green Replat Request Denied
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Water Board to Try Ionic Ultra Filtration

Water Board to Try Ionic Ultra Filtration

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Water and Sewer District Board of Directors voted to test Ultra Ionic Filtration to reduce trihalomethanes in Cedar Key drinking water. At the July 11 meeting of the board a unanimous vote approved a sixty day test of a filtration system, at a cost of $12,000. The filtration system will run parallel to the existing system which will continue to supply water to Cedar Key. Palatka, FL is using such a process successfully according to James McCain, Water and Sewer District Superintendent. McCain went on to say that it may take six months for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to approve use of any new system.

Meanwhile, McCain expects the Department of Environmental Protection to issue recommendations to the district regarding potential solutions to the trihalomethane problem by August 1. The Water and Sewer Board begins its 2005-2006 budget planning a workshop July 20, at which no formal action will be taken. A draft capital improvement plan submitted to the board in June earmarked $500,000 for abatement of the trihaolmethane and haloacetic acid contaminants in Cedar Key drinking water. However, that capital improvement plan is to be funded from reserved money that is separate from the operating and maintenance budget that will be discussed July 20.

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