


News: Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights
April 7th, 2005

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March 31st, 2005

News: Fire Protection Discussed
March 26th, 2005

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News: Housing Rumors Dispelled
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News: Trojan Horse Visits Cedar Key
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News: Health Needs Survey Reported
March 4th, 2005

News: Proposal to Buy Docks
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News: Plane Crashes in Cedar Key Fog (updated photos)
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News: Accord Insurance Open for Business
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News: Purchase of the Big Dock?
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Student Authors Visit Commission Meeting

Student Authors Visit Commission Meeting

Jim Hoy

A delegation of children, parents and teachers from Cedar Key
School came to the August 1 Cedar Key Commission meeting to thank the Commission for funding the prizes for the school writing project. The Commission had donated $2391.53, which included the cost of a laptop computer.

Claire Brown as she read a humorous essay that she had written.

Fourth Grade teacher Sherri Johns introduced five students who read samples of the writing project results. The students were Claire Brown, Kira and Patrick Telgen, and Sara and Lauren Bartholemy. Claire Brown was the winner of a laptop based on a drawing of names of students that had written outstanding pieces.

Patrick Telgen in front of City Hall after reading his thank yu letter to the Commission.

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