


News: Cedar Key Commission Meeting Highlights
April 7th, 2005

News: Concensus Report from the 2004 Charrette
March 31st, 2005

News: Fire Protection Discussed
March 26th, 2005

News: Hotly Contested Elections in May
March 26th, 2005

News: City Tranfers Dock Leases
March 17th, 2005

News: Housing Rumors Dispelled
March 6th, 2005

News: Trojan Horse Visits Cedar Key
March 6th, 2005

News: Health Needs Survey Reported
March 4th, 2005

News: Proposal to Buy Docks
February 24th, 2005

News: Plane Crashes in Cedar Key Fog (updated photos)
February 22nd, 2005

News: Accord Insurance Open for Business
February 16th, 2005

News: Purchase of the Big Dock?
February 16th, 2005

News: Cedar Key Commission Grapples with Fire Protection
February 6th, 2005

News: Green Replat Request Denied
January 19th, 2005

News: Gulf Trail Sunk
January 5th, 2005


Future Bond Issues Need Voter Approval

Future Bond Issues Need Voter Approval

Jim Hoy

The Florida Supreme Court ruled September 6 that bond issues using property taxes derived from redevelopment programs must be approved of by voters, i.e. by referendum. According to an Associated Press article, the court's unanimous decision "will affect all future tax increment financing projects across Florida." A $135 million bond issue by Escambia County precipitated the court action.

How this court decision affects the $9,200,000 bond issue that the City of Cedar Key has planned for 2008 may hinge on the word "future." Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver told Cedar Key News that the local bond issue is already underway, but that any future bond issues will need voter approval. Commissioner Gene Hodges, who was elected in May 2007, has regularly questioned the wisdom of the bond issue. Regarding the new requirement of voter approval of a bond issue, Hodges said, "It may not be a bad idea to put a bond issue before the voters."

The bonds in question will be paid off over four years with money received from Levy County in the form of property taxes earmarked for the Cedar Key Community Redevelopment Agency.

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