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Bachelor Auction Benefits School and Library

Bachelor Auction Benefits School and Library

Jim Hoy

Front, l. to r. Guy Sanders, Travis Rains, Tony Kojancic, Garrett Rains. Standing, r. Steve Stump, Brian Phrumpus, Ty Sanders, Brian Scott, Remy Rimavicus, Leo Guzzo.

Jim Wells auctioned off ten bachelors at Coconuts Sports Tavern June 22. Guy Sanders went for top dollar, at $255. Ty Sanders, who organized the charity event, told Cedar Key News that about $1200 was raised for the benefit of the Cedar Key School and the Cedar Key Library.

Jim Wells (far right) attempting to get a better bid on Travis Rains (second from right), as Leo Guzzo, and Garrett Rains (seated). observe.

The first bachelor on the block was Travis Rains. Bidding was at times chaotic, with many comments from the crowd unaccompanied by dollar amounts. Contrary to an earlier report, Pixie Mabie made the winning bid of $50.

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